Questions about the Mortgage Charter
- What is the Mortgage Charter and how does it affect my Engage Credit Mortgage?
On Monday 26 June, the government announced a Mortgage Charter which sets out the standards lenders who sign up will adopt when helping customers. Full details can be found on the government website. Engage Credit is unable to sign up to the Mortgage Charter but understands the pressure you may be feeling from the rising cost of living and increased mortgage rates. If you need help with your mortgage payments, please contact us on 0333 014 2046 between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday. We will be happy to explore the different options available to you and find one that is most appropriate for your specific circumstances.
- If I miss a payment will my home be repossessed?
Engage Credit wants to help if you are experiencing payment difficulties and repossession will only ever be considered as a last resort. In addition, from 26 June 2023 you will not be forced to leave your home within 12 months from your first missed payment, except in exceptional circumstances. We can discuss exceptional circumstances that may be relevant to you by contacting us on 0333 014 2046 between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday.
- What happens at the end of my fixed rate?
Engage Credit is unable to offer you another fixed rate as we are not a mortgage lender and are unable to provide new products. If you are worried about higher monthly repayments at the end of your fixed rate period, please contact us on 0333 014 2046 between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday.
Questions about Engage Credit
- Why has Engage Credit acquired my mortgage / Why was my mortgage sold?
Engage Credit is a servicing company. Banks and other financial institutions often sell mortgages to one another. The transfer of your mortgage to Engage Credit has been undertaken in accordance with the terms of your mortgage.
Engage Credit is committed to ensuring that your experience is satisfactory. Your mortgage conditions are not affected by the transfer.
Engage Credit are unable to offer new mortgage products.
- Now Engage Credit is servicing my mortgage, have my rights changed in any way?
No, your rights under your mortgage contract are unaffected by the transfer of your mortgage to Engage Credit and your existing terms and conditions will continue to be applied.
- How do I contact Engage Credit?
If you would like to contact us, our Customer Services Number is: 0333 014 2046. Our Customer Service team is available to speak with you from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Calls are charged at your service provider’s prevailing rate and may be monitored and recorded.
You can also email us at: customerservice@engagecredit.com
Please note that although you can email requests to Engage Credit, we are unable to correspond via email. All requests will be responded to via telephone or letter.
Alternatively, you can write to us at:
Engage Credit
Harman House
1 George Street
London UB8 1QQ
Questions about your mortgage
- How can I make a payment?
If you wish to make an online payment, click here to visit our secure online portal. Alternatively, please call Engage Credit’s Customer Service team on 0333 014 2046 between 9am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.
- I would like to request a redemption statement
You can request a redemption statement via our online portal, email or telephone. Please note that all redemption statements will be posted to the correspondence address we hold on file, within 3-5 days of the request. Please note these are valid for a maximum period of 28 days.
Our Customer Services Number is: 0333 014 2046 and our team is available to speak with you from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Calls are charged at your service provider’s prevailing rate and may be monitored and recorded.You can also email us at: customerservice@engagecredit.com
Please note that although you can email requests to Engage Credit, we are unable to correspond via email. All requests will be responded to via telephone or letter.
Alternatively, you can write to us at:
Engage Credit
Harman House
1 George Street
London UB8 1QQWe also accept redemption statement requests from authorised solicitors/third parties. In order for us to provide the required information to a solicitor, they will need to send us a letter confirming that they act on your behalf including a unique reference number in order for us to verify your chosen solicitors should they contact us in relation to the redemption request.
To redeem a mortgage, we accept payments from a bank account that the mortgage holder is party to, or alternatively we can accept payments from an appointed solicitor.
If the funds for the redemption of your mortgage have come from your own bank account, please confirm the source of funds by telephone or email.
- What do I do if I can’t afford my mortgage?
Please contact Engage Credit's Credit Management team on 0333 014 2046 between 9am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. Further information on what to do if you are facing payment difficulties is available in the Support for customers in payment difficulties section.
- Who else can I talk to about financial difficulties?
Please click here to see a list of independent providers of free assistance and advice.
- I’ve received a letter about court action, is it too late?
If you have not already contacted us to discuss your situation, please do so by calling 0333 014 2046. If we have not heard from you, there may be other options available to you to avoid repossession. We strongly suggest you read the information available on this site to understand your options and where you can obtain further assistance.
- Can I rent out my property?
If you have a residential mortgage but would like to rent out your property, please contact us to find out what information we need to consider the request. Engage Credit will consider all requests but reserves the right to decline permission. If you rent out your property without Engage Credit's permission you will be breaching your mortgage conditions and Engage Credit reserves the right to take further action as necessary.
Our Customer Services Number is: 0333 014 2046 and our team is available to speak with you from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Calls are charged at your service provider’s prevailing rate and may be monitored and recorded.Our postal address is:
Engage Credit
Harman House
1 George Street
London UB8 1QQYou can also email us at: customerservice@engagecredit.com
- How do I view/amend my credit report?
Credit reports are provided by credit reference companies such as Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. If you want to review your credit report, please contact one of these firms directly. If you believe your credit report is incorrect, you can approach the supplier of your credit report directly and they will advise you how to proceed
- Could I qualify for a cheaper mortgage with a new lender ?
Rules have been changed to make it simpler to switch to a cheaper mortgage with a new lender. You may be eligible to switch to a new lender, if;
• you are not in payment shortfall and have not missed any mortgage payments in the last 12 months
• you do not want to borrow any more money (except to cover any product or advisor fees)Engage Credit is a servicer and not a lender, as such we do not offer new products.
Free advice on what these rule changes mean for you is also available.
Engage Credit is unable to give you any financial advice. However, you can find out more about these rule changes at www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/homes/buying-a-home/. Further information on what the rule changes might mean for you is available from:
• MoneyHelper on: 0800 138 7777 (England) or 0800 138 0555 (Wales)
• Independent money advice charities such as those listed on our help and advice pageAdvice is also available from independent mortgage advisers, although some advisers provide free advice, some may charge a fee
How do I update my contact details?
If you need to update your address please contact our Customer Service Team, please note that if there is more than one party named on the account we will need to speak to all parties in order to update their address(es). Alternatively, you can write to us at Engage Credit, Harman House, 1 George Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1QQ to inform us of your new address. Please note that we require a signed letter in order to verify you and update your address.
I have changed my name, how can I update this?
If you have changed your name and need to update your account to reflect this, we will require an original or certified copy of your marriage certificate, deed poll or decree nisi in order to update our records. You can write to us at Engage Credit, Harman House, 1 George Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1QQ and any original documentation you send to us will be returned to you by recorded delivery within 10 working days.
Can I talk to you about someone else’s account?
Protecting our customer’s data, in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 is a top priority at Engage Credit. An authorised Third-Party can discuss details of an account. For a Third-Party to be authorised, we will require the named party on the mortgage to contact us to request a Third-Party Authority form, to complete and return to us.
Our Customer Services Number is: 0333 014 2046 and our team is available to speak with you from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Calls are charged at your service provider’s prevailing rate and may be monitored and recorded.
Our postal address is:
Engage Credit
Harman House
1 George Street
London UB8 1QQYou can also email us at: customerservice@engagecredit.com
I have a Power of Attorney, what does this mean?
If you hold a Power of Attorney (POA) to act on behalf of our customer, we require an original or certified copy of the POA in order for us to update our records.
Engage Credit will then issue a third party authority form for the POA to complete. We would also require original or certified photographic identification in order to verify you. If you do not wish to send in your original or certified documents Engage Credit can carry out a soft credit check with your consent which will enable us to verify your identity. Once you have received the form, please indicate your preference. The form can be returned via email or by post.
Once we have received the completed form and updated the account, we can then discuss the mortgage account with you.
I would like to request an account statement
You can request an account statement via our online portal, email or telephone. Please note that all account statements will be posted to the correspondence address we hold within 3-5 days.
Our Customer Services Number is: 0333 014 2046 and our team is available to speak with you from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Calls are charged at your service provider’s prevailing rate and may be monitored and recorded.
Our postal address is:
Engage Credit
Harman House
1 George Street
London UB8 1QQYou can also email us at: customerservice@engagecredit.com
My interest rate is too high, can you offer me a new fixed rate?
Engage Credit is a mortgage servicing company and not a lender, therefore we are unable to offer any new products. If you would like to obtain a new rate, we would suggest that you contact a mortgage broker or obtain independent financial advice. We have provided details of some useful companies that can provide free and independent debt advice on our help and advice page.
If you are struggling to meet your monthly payments, please do contact our Credit Management team on 0333 014 2046 who will be able to discuss this with you.
Can I remove a named party from the mortgage?
Generally, we are unable to offer a transfer of equity service and all parties will remain liable for the mortgage.
However, under exceptional circumstances we may be able to consider this. Please call our customer service team on 0333 014 2046 we are available to speak with you from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Calls are charged at your service provider’s prevailing rate and may be monitored and recorded.
- What is a mortgage overpayment?
Making mortgage overpayments can reduce the amount of interest you pay by reducing the outstanding mortgage balance.
If you can afford to make extra payments, overpaying your mortgage means you pay less interest in the future and potentially pay off your mortgage sooner.
We calculate the interest on your mortgage daily so all overpayments will reduce the interest you pay the following day.
Your mortgage may have a limit, known as an allowance, on how much you can overpay. If you go over this allowance, you may have to pay an Early Repayment Charge (ERC).
Careful consideration should be taken to ensure that making an overpayment is the right thing for you. MoneyHelper is a free independent source of information and guidance covering a range of financial products and their contact details are: www.moneyhelper.org.uk and by phone at 0800 138 7777 (England) or 0800 138 0555 (Wales).
- What type of overpayment can I make?
Lump sum payment
This is a one-off payment to reduce your outstanding mortgage balance. We may ask you whether you want to reduce your monthly mortgage payment or prefer to keep your payment at the current amount following the lump sum payment. We may ask you the source of the funds used to make a lump sum payment.Regular Overpayment
You can set up a regular overpayment by Direct Debit or standing order.If your mortgage is Interest Only or Part and Part, overpayments on the interest only element of your mortgage won’t automatically reduce your monthly mortgage payment, unless you ask for this to take place, but could save you money by reducing the amount of interest charged. When the next monthly payment recalculation happens, for example at an interest rate change, your monthly payment will be re-calculated using the remaining term and mortgage balance.
- Making an Overpayment
If you would like to make an overpayment or have a question on overpayments or early settlement please contact us on 0333 014 2046 to discuss.
You can also email us at: customerservice@engagecredit.com
Please note that although you can email requests to Engage Credit, we are unable to correspond via email. All requests will be responded to via telephone or letter.
Alternatively, you can write to us at:
Engage Credit
Harman House
1 George Street
London UB8 1QQ
I am going through a difficult time
Engage Credit is here to help you manage your mortgage. We have a dedicated Customer Service and Payments team who are able to help customers who may be experiencing difficult circumstances.
We may require you to provide documentation to determine the best solution. Please note, if you would rather a Third-Party discuss your finances, we will need your authorisation. Please contact our customer service team on 0333 014 2046 who will be able to discuss this with you.
The mortgage account holder has passed away, what do I need to do?
We are sorry that a relative/friend has passed away. There are a few steps that need to be taken in order for us to be able to discuss the account with you.
An original or certified copy of the death certificate/Coroner’s certificate must be sent to Engage Credit, Harman House, 1 George Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1QQ. To ensure safe delivery it is recommended to send this via special delivery. Any original documents will be returned via recorded delivery within 10 working days.
For joint mortgage accounts
Depending on the ownership registered under HM Land Registry we may require an original or certified copy of the Grant of Probate/Letter of Administration. Written communication will be provided to confirm if we require any further documentation or to confirm if the account will continue to run in the sole name of the surviving party.
For sole mortgage accounts
We will require an original or certified copy of the Grant of Probate/Letter of Administration, on receipt of these Engage Credit will issue a third party authority form for the Executor/Executrix of the estate to complete. We also require original or certified photographic identification in order to verify you. If you do not wish to send in your original or certified documents, Engage Credit can carry out a soft credit check with your consent which will enable us to verify your identity. Once you have received the form, please indicate your preference. The form can be returned via email or by post.
Our postal address is:Engage Credit
Harman House
1 George Street
London UB8 1QQYou can also email us at: customerservice@engagecredit.com
Once we have received the completed form and updated the account, we can then discuss the mortgage account with you.